Import / Export

Import and export product data via Google Sheets, CSV and Excel

Managing product data and keeping it up to date? With import/export you don't have to worry about this anymore. Elovate can be connected via the API of Magento and ensures that you can enrich your catalog faster, more efficiently and with a better overview.

  • Linked within a few clicks
  • Fast time to market
  • Save precious time in catalog management

Your ultimate tool for data import and export

Large amounts of data, in all sorts of different places and formats. This is recognizable for many Magento webshop owners and product managers. Every day you are manually entering product data and when everything is finally in place, the synchronization takes ages (you feel). You would like to have more flexibility in managing all your product data.

We saw and felt these frustrations in many. From that, our import/export app was developed! All functions are meant for you to be able to work flexibly, have your entire catalog clear again and everything synchronized with your Magento webshop in no time.

Easily and smoothly modify & enrich your product data

Adding a big batch of new products? No problem, we've got you covered!
  • Google Sheets, CSV and Excel
  • Importing and exporting fields
  • Update Existing Data

Super fast product data modification

Big data changes based on rules. From price changes by brand to adding new attributes to products.
  • Ideal for price changes
  • Define own fields
  • Enter zomany actions as you want within the import

Export product data to your spreadsheet program

Based on specific rules, export product data to your favorite spreadsheet program. Ideal for your own workflow!
  • Google Sheets, CSV and Excel
  • Easily select fields for export
  • Setting frequencies for your exports

Simple automatic mapping of data

Specify which column should be linked to which Magento attribute and Elovate will go to work for you.

Convenient rule builder

A rule builder is a tool that allows users to create and modify automated rules to efficiently manage and update product information.
  • Display only the necessary lines

Schedule your import or export at the desired frequency

Run your export at a specific time and determine the frequency.
  • Your product data always up to date
  • Save time and space in your head by scheduling imports & exports in advance