New: Custom options, attribute creation and the revamped Elovate interface.

January 23, 2025

In just one month, we have developed several new features. The biggest advancement is the new Elovate interface, where the latest elements, such as 'categories' and the 'create new products' overview, have been transferred to the updated UI. This means there is nothing left of the old Elovate!

NEW: Custom options

A specific component of Magento provides the ability to add additional, product-specific "options. For example: when selling a bicycle, a custom option might be an extra battery. In Magento, this is a time-consuming process, and for some customers it was annoying to keep switching between Elovate and Magento. Therefore, this functionality is now available in Elovate, with several improvements for a smoother experience.

NEW: Attribute Creation

Previously you could create attribute optionsd in Elovate, currently within Elovate you can also create whole new attributes when creating variants Note: you can only create 'select' type attributes within this overview, since with variants you theoretically only want to create select attributes. In short, attribute create is for now limited to vairants specifically on select type attributes.


IMPROVEMENT: Elovate interface

A number of changes have been made within the interface of Elovate, here they are listed